For Moments Big and Small,

Being There is What Matters Most.

The simple moments shared between father and
child are often the most special, and the simple
things you do show them you care. Being there and
being their dad is the most important thing you can
do. Connect with the support and resources you
need to help you build relationships that last.

In partnership with

HSA San Joaquin County Children's Services

Support for Dads

San Joaquin County has support
available just for Dads!


Dads Matter

Father involvement improves child wellbeing, happiness, social, and academic success. Research shows that having a dad present in a child’s life helps with many things, including:

  • School readiness and behavior (confidence, patience, and curiosity)
  • Child development (verbal, cognitive, and motor)
  • Security, confidence, and attachment
  • Development of empathy
  • Overall positive life outcomes and life decision-making as an adult


Meaningful Moments

While the best thing you can do is simply be there for your child, sometimes we all need some tips and resources to help us engage with our children.

Father and son

Sharing the Simple
Moments that Matter.