Your Child is Growing Fast!

Your child’s brain develops fastest from birth to age five. During this time, they reach developmental milestones in the way they learn, think, play, speak, and behave. Understanding your child’s developmental milestones will help them grow, thrive, and recognize their individual needs. Learn more about developmental milestones below.

Mother with toddler

Help Me Grow

Every child develops and learns at their own pace. If you have concerns about how your child is growing, trust your feelings. Getting help now can make a big difference in your child’s future.

Do you have questions or concerns about your child’s developmental growth?

Call (209) 461-2728 for a FREE screening. Help Me Grow is a call center that offers FREE Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) developmental screening for any child ages 0 to 5 in San Joaquin County. The ASQ screenings cover six areas of development. The ASQ Ages and Stages Questionnaire screenings cover six areas of development:

  • Gross Motor
  • Fine Motor
  • Problem-Solving
  • Communication
  • Social-Emotional


For additional support to other resources, please call 2-1-1 or click below. Bilingual services available.



Infant Milestones

Your infant’s brain grows faster in their first year than at any other time in their life. What your baby sees, hears, and feels during this period will affect how they learn and feel about the world.


Your Baby’s First Three Months

From birth to three months, your baby will begin to:

  • Grow quiet when they hear familiar voices and sounds
  • React to loud noises
  • Make soft sounds
  • Start to smile

Your Baby’s First SIX Months

From three to six months, your baby will:

  • Hold up their head
  • Turn towards sounds
  • Make sounds like "ga," "ooh" and "ba"
  • React to change in your tone of voice

Your Baby’s First 12 Months

Babies learn by exploring with their mouths, eyes, ears, and hands. Your baby needs things to touch, grab, push, throw, and safely put into their mouth. They need you to play with them as much as you can.

Mother playing with building blocks with child

Toddler Milestones

Toddlers explore their independence, develop strong preferences, and start to talk in phrases to have conversations with you. They will also begin testing their limits, which requires guidance for learning self-control. Next to love, guidance is one of the biggest gifts you can give your toddler.


Your Toddler From Age One to Two Years

During this time, your child will:

  • Use 20 or more words
  • Know the names of familiar people
  • Follow simple directions, like "Get the ball"
  • Combine two or more words, like "What is that?" or "More milk"
  • Point to people, toys, and body parts when asked
  • Understand simple stories and songs

Your Toddler From Age Two to Three Years

Between ages two and three, your toddler will learn to do many new things. They will run, jump, and love being on-the-go. They will talk in phrases and have conversations with you. They will test their limits, and yours. They may break into tears or tantrums because they won’t be able to do everything themselves. They will continue to need your guidance in learning self-control, and they will need your help with understanding what others need.

Preschooler Milestones

Preschoolers continue learning many new skills—even daring ones. They play games, pretend, tell stories, run, and climb! Even though they may seem more grown-up, they still need your help, guidance, and nurturing.


Learning On Their Own

Children ages three to five are learning many new skills. They run, climb, and begin learning letters and numbers. During play, children explore new feelings, ideas, and skills. They create make-believe stories and games. They are learning how to play with each other, how to relate to adults, and how to handle their emotions. It’s important for preschoolers to have some control of their world. When children have opportunities to make decisions and increase their independence, they will see that their own identity is important. They build confidence when their thoughts and opinions are valued by those around them.

For Grandparents

The first five years of your grandchild’s life are critical to their growth and development. Whether a full- or part-time caregiver, grandparents can play a significant role in helping a child reach their full potential. The Grandparents’ Guide to Caring for Young Children provides current information on child development, the importance of early literacy, and other helpful resources.


Talk. Read. Sing. Draw. Play.

Did you know that 90% of a child’s
brain develops in the first five years of life? When you talk, read, sing, draw, and play with your child, you’re helping them grow up smarter, happier, and better prepared for a bright future. These are some of the easiest and most powerful activities you can do as a parent! Learn more tips and explore fun everyday activities for your child today here.